West seattle gay bars

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Like it retro with twink appeal? This bar is everything an under-30 gayboy thinks the ’70s was like. The crowd looks a little rough, but they’re all just a shared moment away from being new friends. And the Sunday of Pride weekend, the Cuff takes over the entire block for a party, and it’s worth every cent, as vendors and revelers mix and mingle. Out back, there’s a patio with yes, another bar. Through the doors at the rear, you’re suddenly in a disco, where the beats are state-of-the-art. You enter into a spacious no-frills enormous bar where no one waits for libation too long. The music is often kept low enough that conversation is possible. There’s often a line after 9 pm, and it’s because this place is super chill. View in Google MapsĬall it Seattle’s gay Cheers bar.

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Read Next | The Best Gay Bars in Vancouver B.C. It’s a welcoming space - for all but gawkers. One night you won’t want to miss: the first Saturday of every month is fetish night, and you’ll see gents in rubber, Daddies with their boys, pups with their masters, and ladies are welcome. Renowned for its cheap drinks and theme nights, CC Attle’s is now doing steady business after moving a half mile away from its former home on Pike.

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Address: 1701 Olive Way View in Google Maps

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